為有效提昇國內軟體工程教育的素質,增加臺灣軟體工業的產值,教育部顧問室於2002年7月委託國立中央大學 李允中教授邀請國內產官學界軟體工程之專家,共同進行國內軟體工程課程改進計劃之規劃,並於民國2004年4月成立軟體工程聯盟計畫,期使國內各大專院校的軟體工程教學資源得以有效的整合,互相交流,以提高軟體工程教育的質與量,培育產業界所需的相關人才。軟體工程聯盟成立至今已十餘年,聯盟開發之多門課程軟體教材雖因時空因素,並不完全符合目前之軟體產業環境,但這些教材資料仍深具參考價值。
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Software metrics
Software metrics
- Software measurement models and standards
- Software measurement metrics
- Product measurement metrics
- Process measurement metrics
- Software size estimation
- Function points
- Object-oriented software measurement metrics
- Software measurement processes: planning, analysis, audit, and improvement
- Software effort estimation
- Software cost estimation
- Software schedule estimation
software project management
software project management
- Software project scope management
- Software project schedule managment
- Software project cost management
- Software project quality management
- Software project risk management
- Software project monitoring
- Configuration management
- Measurement and analysis
- Supplier agreement management
- Human resource management
Web based software engineering
Web based software engineering
- Software Process for Web-based application
- Requirement engineering for web application
- Analysis modeling for web application
- Design engineering for web application
- Component based web application design
- Testing techniques for web based application
- Project management for web based application
- Service oriented web application development
- Security in web based application